
Healthcare in areas of armed conflict and human rights
Healthcare in areas of armed conflict and human rights

healthcare in areas of armed conflict and human rights

1 With much light being shed on the ever-growing refugee crisis and the devastating impact of the crossfire on civilian life, not much has been said about a large factor essential to rebuilding the country: healthcare provision. Nine years on from the start of the Syrian war, the conflict has been and remains to be at the forefront of international debate and discussion. The report concludes by looking into plans currently implemented to protect our healthcare infrastructure during times of war whilst comparing it to past strategies.

healthcare in areas of armed conflict and human rights

The report examines the impact of the conflict in Syria on its health facilities and looks at the reasons why these services are under attack and the international response to the conflict. It is evident through the strategy of the Syrian and Russian government that healthcare facilities are being deliberately targeted with humanitarian organisations condemning all parties involved for violating the Geneva Conventions. Violations of medical neutrality and International Humanitarian Law has led to the loss of countless medical personnel, civilians and health care facilities setting the country back to health levels last seen thirty years ago. Despite healthcare facilities being deemed untouchable in times of conflict, the war in Syria has seen its government as well as opposition forces, target their people and infrastructure as a strategy of war.

Healthcare in areas of armed conflict and human rights